Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Warfare Intercessors

Intercessors of Warfare
'Partners with Truth'*

'”All spiritual warfare is a fight over one thing: TRUTH. Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” Jn.14:6 – meaning that Satan's aggressions against us will always be waged over our ability to grasp and appropriate the truth found in Him. He also said, “ Apart from Me you can do nothing.” Jn.15:5 – meaning that we know truth and flourish in it only to the degree that we stay dependent on Jesus the Word, or Truth, made flesh. The belief that living independently of God is good, is the ultimate lie from the enemy. The bible warns that the devil will come to steal truth from us ( see Matt.13:19). But if he cannot steal it, he will try to plant lies within the truth we already know ( Matt.13:25). It's time to blow the whistle on this vile deceiver and unmask some of his devious tactics.” ( taken from the book Intercessors by T.Femrite, E.Alves, K. Kaufman)

Warfare intercessors are the ones who fight to usher in truth by establishing God's authority in places where Satan has a stronghold on people, problems and places. They are the military might of prayer! Some warfare intercessors have been anointed with spiritual perception to discern the evil spirits that reign over specific territories; others have been gifted with strategies for establishing God's authority in places where the enemy has taken both spiritual and physical ground. Warfare intercessors need to push through their fear to approach authorities with timely pieces of the puzzle that they've received in prayer!

Warfare intercessors are those who fight to reestablish God's authority in places where people have lost their freedom to choose. A victim is merely a person without a choice. A victor is a person who has exercised his or her choice and WON! The joy of warfare intercessions lies in open the door of choice to victims. You and I have been granted authority by God to protect and provide for people, not to control or confuse them with manipulation.
The warfare intercessors mandate/mission comes from Isa. 58: 6,7 - to bring deliverance to people in bondage so they be set free from every kind of oppression
-to provide for the needy
-to cover those who are naked ( or being exploited through lack)
to make ourselves accessible to relatives who need our help.
As Dutch Sheets says: “Without question, humans were forever to be God's link to authority and activity on the earth..” We get to be the link between either the kingdom of light, or the kingdom of darkness. Every decision we make, every word we speak, every action we take, either links us to God's authority or Satan's.

Warfare Intercessors are called to fight to draw back the curtains camouflaged darkness. Remembering we do not fight against flesh and blood. Our fight is spiritual; therefore most of the world doesn't even recognize it. We are the ones who prayerfully battle to unveil lies, and false images that have been projected upon the screens of deceived minds.

Those who have eyes to discern the enemy and tenacioulsy fight on the front lines can only do so when they are physically, spiritually and emotionally fit! Weak and weary soldiers drain and dilute the troops. So not only must a warfare intercessor be physically fit but his or her soul must be healthy.
Unforgiveness will have a decaying effect, must like rust on our prayer shields, and rot our spiritual fruitfulness. Unforgiveness opens the floodgates to the enemy's control. We cannot fight effectively against the author of hatred while allowing bitterness to remain in our hearts – it will effect our minds, will aand emotions. So, intercessors: DEAL WITH YOUR STUFF! Take a personal and internal inventory – examine your hearts before the Lord. ( Ps.51) And make every effort to take responsibility if you have offended others, to provide restitution.

At the same time, if God has anointed you for Warfare Intercession, you need to know all you can about the person, people group, policy or place that is the target of your intercession. This is where linking up with research intercessors will help you learn about the spiritual ground being covered. Research intercessors thrive on prayerfully collecting vital facts about strongholds, principalities, areas of blessing, remnants, ancient wells etc., and they will help you to formulate a plan of prayerful attack.

Remember tho: being a warfare intercessor means learning wisdom in your prayer tactics. It is about calling God down into the battle, not doing battle in your own strength or enthusiasm. We are given the privilege of fighting along side Him. Keep your focus on the Lord and don't try to win in your strength.

Are You a Warfare Intercessor?
-Are you angered by injustices?
-When you see others in pain, do you instantly want to wrestle with the enemy for their freedom?
-Do you thrive on compiling research about spiritual roots and governing principalities?
-Are you apt to move out in forcefulness in your prayer time?
-Do you look for the battle when you are praying?
-Do you struggle with sitting still in prayer meetings when you can 'see' areas that we need to call God down into the battle?

Pitfalls of a Warfare Intercessor.

-Forgetting to deal with issues of unresolved personal conflict
-Viewing every prayer need as a battle, and thereby neglecting intimacy with the Lord
-Entering into a battle with a personal agenda rather than a team's agenda
-Refusing to submit to authorities
-Going to war without counting the cost
-Having no battle plan
-Rushing ahead of the Lord's timing
-Marching out without intercessory covering
-Running from battle to battle without taking time to rest and refuel
-Becoming overly aggressive and not making room for other's giftings
-Becoming prideful
-Enjoying the feeling from a battle, more than the presence of the Lord

Believing that we can win the battle alone is one of the many pitfalls that can ensnare the warfare intercessor. Remember: loners are usually losers – so stay connected with like minded warriors and submitted to those in authority over you.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Looking for Intercessors

Any Intercessors out there, looking for opportunities to pray?

I am looking for intercessors who are feeling called to partner in prayer, on behalf of others. Intercessors who are able to be confedential and trusted with prayer issues for leaders and those who are currently influencing for the Kingdom of God in their fields.

If you've been looking for an opportunity to actually function as part of a team that is praying for businesses....or perhaps pastors & leaders....or missionaries - contact me.

I have a list of people that are requesting to be paired up with Intercessors for prayer support, but my pool of intercessors is currently empty - they are all out on assignments and are maxed! If you've been following this blog, and feeling like you'd like to find some other ways to be a part of praying for people/businesses, then let me know.

I had hoped to have a down loadable form for intercessors to fill out, but my techie buddie is in Taiwan for the next month, so we'll just have to make due.



for participation in Intercessory Assignments and Prayer Shields

NAME: (Mr./Mrs./Ms.) First - M.I. - Last :

ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________
Street :_______________________ City:________________________________________

State/Province ____________________________ Zip /Postal Code_______________
TELEPHONE: ___________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________
EMERGENCY CONTACT & TELEPHONE: _______________________________________________
DATE OF BIRTH: ____________________________ SEX: ____ Male ____Female
Month / Day / Year

1. What is God’s "prayer" call on your life? ( your area's of burden)_______________________________________________________
2. Are you a part of local (city) prayer group ? Or a church prayer group? For how long? ____________________________________________________________________
3. Where to you attend church? (Name and Address)________________________________________
4. Are you an active church member? ____Yes ____No

5. Do you have a daily prayer life? ____ Yes ____ No. If so, how long do you pray? ___________________________________________________________________

6. Have you attended any Prayer Seminars Conferences ? ____ Yes ____ No. If so, where and when?

7. Have you personally experienced wounding in regards to your gifting from those in leadership? What have you done to ensure that this wounding does not effect your ability to effectively pray for those in places of authority? _________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. How would you feel if a 'word' you sent thru needed to be challenged or edited? ____________________________________________________________________


9. List any prayer ministries, networks or groups that you have participated in.


Pastor’s Name:

Church Address :
Email Address:
Pastor’s Endorsement_________________________________________________________________________

I am willing to recieve a phone call or email in regards to this endorsement: ___Yes ____No

Pastor’s Signature


SPIRITUAL BELIEFS: (You can use another sheet of paper for these questions)
1. Explain how and when you came to know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. ________________________________________________________________________________
2. List your understanding the difference between prayer and prophecy - in regards to a prayer assignment.
3. What is the significance of 'witchraft prayers' ? Share what you do presonally to ensure you heart and motives stay free from personal adgenda's when praying for leaders. ________________________________________________________________________________

4. Share what it means to you to pray for others.



I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that falsified statements on this application shall be grounds for refusal of acceptance for participation in an Intercessory Assignment or Prayer Shield, under the leadership of Pam Dyck . I also understand that any contact numbers I have give in regards to references or endorsements, may be called to verify my information.
I release Pam Dyck and associated parties from any liability that may result from fasting and/or praying, and I accept full responsibility myself.

Signature :


Please mail Completed Application Form to:

Intercessory Assignments

31948 Peardonville Rd.

Abbotsford, B.C.

V2T 1L8


Attn: Pam Dyck

Monday, May 4, 2009

Personal Intercessors

Personal Intercessors*
Spiritual Guardians

Personal Intercessors have been commissioned to prayerfully support leaders. (Intercessors International calls them ' leader-intercessors'. ) These Intercessors have lists that pray for that include pastors, missionaries, spiritual leaders, various people, sports celebrities, businessmen, governmental leaders and those in education.

Altho I've mentioned mostly leaders in this category, basically a personal intercessor is someone who has been entrusted by God to carry confidential information in and out of God's throne room for another person, in order to partner in that's person's protection, provision and prayer priorities. When God assigns one person to another, as a personal intercessor, a heart response, like that of David and Jonathan, begins to happen. ( I Sam.18:1) While the spiritual connection between these two people is important, more important tis the connectedness and sensitivity of the intercessor with God. Col 1:9 is the basis for personal intercession:
For this reason.....we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.

We are all aware of the scriptures that speak about the three-strand cord of spiritual wisdom, knowledge and understanding. If any one of these strands is overlooked in personal intercession, problems can occur. We might have knowledge of God's will, knowing what He wants a person to do, but lack the spiritual wisdom and understanding of heaven to back it up. We need to guard, in this scenario, that human reasoning doesn't take over and open the door to the enemy.
Wisdom is knowing God's timing and plan for what He wants to accomplish. Without spiritual wisdom, we can do or or say the right thing at the wrong time and bring about hurtful and cause damage. On the other hand, understanding is recognizing God's reason for doing or saying something. When we have God's understanding, our motives for speaking or sharing what we're hearing will be pure, also we'll have the passion to complete the assignment – even if it takes longer than we were expecting! When it's His love fueling us and our actions, we have the energy, grace and strength to not only take up an assignment, but see it through to it's finish!
One of the examples in the book “ Intercessors”, of how the three strands – knowledge, wisdom and understand – might effect personal intercession.

You are praying for 'Bob' when the Lord gives you a word of knowledge that he will be called to the mission field. Do you immediately run to the phone and let him know what you've heard? Or do you wait on the Lord for spiritual wisdom to understand God's timing and plan for going to the mission field? Knowing the person you are interceding for is important when deciding whether to release knowledge. Occasionally God will use us to confirm what He has already spoken to another, but sometimes we are merely called to shoulder the knowledge in prayer. The Lord may simple ask us to carry a word like a seed until He is ready to birth it into that person's life. Our prayers then become the water for that seed.

As we wait for God's understanding to show us both our motive for sharing a word from Him and His motive for calling us into intercession, we may discover we have had a personal agenda in wanting to share. Some intercessors want to share to get close to the one they are praying for; others share to ex cerise control in that person's life. But exposing God's secrets to manipulate others will cause the Lord to withdraw his presence. Even when God does allow an intercessor to share, the timing of that word is critical. Only the right word ( knowledge) at the right time ( wisdom) for the right reason ( understanding) will bring about God's glory.

Remember that even people who love us can be used by the enemy to prevent us from doing a hard thing – even tho it may be the right thing! That's why it's important that personal intercessors do not cloud God's truths with their own opinions. People need to hear what God thinks, not what human reasoning thinks. ( I try to encourage personal intercessors ..as well as prophetic intercessors..to not get in the habit of feeling like they need to explain the words they are getting. This is the area that I find 'human reasoning' gets in and the original word can end up being interpreted thru the intercessor's personal experiences.)

You may be called upon to pray for someone for just a short time, or for a longer term, even years. Only God can determine the length an assignment will be for personal intercession. The point is, to let it go without any feelings of guilt or condemnation. Also, remember to focus on the greatness of God so that you don't get awestruck by the power or position of the people/person you are praying for. Keeping focused on His greatness will also help keep the problem in perspective, so that you can be bold in your intercession.

Are you a Personal Intercessor?
-Do people often seek you out to confide their personal prayer needs?
-Is God repeatedly bringing one or two particular people to mind during your prayer time?
-Has the Lord given you special insight about someone in order to pray for that person?
-Would you rather pray for individuals or for the masses? If you answer is individuals, your prayer anointing includes that of a personal intercessor.

Pitfalls of a Personal Intercessor:
-Bragging about the person for whom they intercede.
-Seeking that person's approval.
-Sharing confidences under the guise of achieving the 'prayer of agreement'.
-Giving words at inappropriate times.
-Using their own words as a ministry of correction.
-Thinking so highly of the person that they neglect to speak truth into that individual's life.
-Interpreting the words and visions received for others with their own understanding.
-Fearing disapproval for giving a word that doesn't make sense.
-Feeling guilty when a season of intercession ends
-Not willing to let go of an assignment

Remember, the anointing of the personal intercessor is always paired with another kind of anointing. They do not necessarily pray every day for that person that God has assigned to them, unless their prayer-power mix is combined with a list anointing. Many intercessors will pray on a regular basis, as the Holy Spirit bring that person to mind. As a personal intercessor, you will find that the more the Lord can trust you with, the more He will entrust to you.
* compiled from the book "Intercessors" by Tommi Femrite - E. Alves - K. Kaufman - check your local christian bookstore for a copy..or Amazon.com