I'm sorry I haven't updated this. I'm on Sabbatical until September 1. ( Sabbatical, meaning a 'rest'.) My husband and I are not only taking a rest/break from pastoring our church, we are also taking a break from all other related responsibilities - which for me includes laying down my city prayer group, as well as doing the blogs. So...I'll be back on track, Sept. 1.
In the mean time, if you are someone who has been regularly read this and the other two blogs I do, I would really like to have some feedback from you. Are these articles helpful to you? Are you finding them informative and giving you some new understanding of you, your prayer style etc.? What's the most helpful? What would you like to know more about? I'd love to have a list of questions to blog on - so if you have anything you'd like to ask about, please send it through!
I'm wondering what other intercessors, from different places, or even from my own city but different churches, are hearing from the Lord right now?
Is anyone else sensing that God may be 'gathering' the Watchmen soon? My sense is there is some kind of gathering togehter that my be happening in the future. Like an army being called to War....or troops being mustered - there is just a sense of activity with purpose, about to happen. My sense also, is that it's possibly going to happen sometime this year. ( And for me, this 'year' usually means September to June..) Anyone else sensing anything? I'd be very grateful to hear some feedback. I am getting more and more pictures,a nd words that involve 'army' type words: troops, elite forces, special forces, trained....joint mission.
Hope I hear back from some of you. Otherwise, I'll 'see' you in September.