Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Testing a Corporate Word over a City/Ministry or Territory/Nation

As more and more prophetic words are being released for the larger 'church' or for the nation, it makes sense that we need to learn again, how to test these words! Yes!! Prophetic words are to be tested! One of my amazing mentors, and good friend, Marilyn W. - just did a teaching time for my prayer group on this subject. I've asked her if I can publish her notes...and she said 'yes'. is some good stuff you to chew on, regarding prophesy! If you have questions, please email me and let me know!

Testing the Corporate Word over a City/Ministry/Terriotry or Nation
by Marilyn W.

There are many tests for prophecy available. We need to be proficient in the use of these tests.
1 Thess. 5:19-22. Do not stifle the Holy Spirit. Do not scoff at prophecies but test everything that is said. Hold on to what is good. Keep away from every kind of evil. NLT. 1 Cor. 14:29.
Some of these areas first to be checked are:-
The origin. 1 John 4:1-4 – test the spirits.
Is it from the Holy Spirit, an evil spirit or from the spirit of man? Sometimes it may be a mixture as we are not perfect yet. Our spirit bears witness to the truth and to the Holy Spirit. We discern the spirit of the prophecy before the words. John 4:23.

Examine the content. 1 John 4 5 – does it conform to scripture?
The Bible is our source of truth and we need to check the word in light of the whole Bible. We build our lives on our relationship through intimacy with Jesus and the revealed word of God – The Bible. Prophecy is never used to establish new doctrine or practices. It should never govern our understanding of scripture. If there is any contradiction of Christian doctrine and foundational truth then the prophecy is renounced.

Does it glorify Jesus?
Jesus is exulted over man’s ministry. Prophecy should reveal the true Jesus and help us to be conformed to His image. We are to hear God for ourselves and be led by the Holy Spirit. The prophetic highlights some specific area of our lives enlarging and confirming what Jesus has previously said to us.

Does it witness to you? Rom. 8:16.
What is your initial inner witness or response to the prophecy? The earmarks of peace, love and joy should be present. It should release a sense of freedom and empowerment into your situation. Also it can be judged by others in the body.

Discern the type of prophecy.
The final purpose of prophecy is always positive. We edify or build up people and we build up the church.

A now word. This word highlights a situation we are presently going through. By emphasizing this God is revealing how He is always with us and that He sees every step we take. He is aware of our needs. Psalm 139. This prophecy stimulates an area that God wants to work on at this moment in our lives.

A confirming word. God has been leading us daily and sometimes He needs to say “Yes this is Me. Don’t be afraid.” It is not wrong to ask for confirmation so that when we are sure this is God, we can be obedient. But remember there is always a step of faith needed. 2 Cor. 13:1b. Through two or three witnesses, the power of agreement and confirmation we are strengthened to do what we know is right. Fresh life and faith come in to us.

A future word. This type of word sets the next vision goal for us. It opens up a time of new direction, development and training towards its end. It should be a natural unfolding of the way God has led us in the past. We may not be at that place yet but the word may come in present tense as if we are already there.

A new word. 1 Cor. 2:9-10. This word may have little or no link to our present situation. It will open up our hearts and mind to the things we could not imagine. The timing of this word is strategic and an awareness is awakened for God to build upon it in the future.
6. Check the fruit from the word. Matt. 7 15.

Remember, fruit takes time to grow but faith and love comes as deposits as well as growing attributes of Christ’s life in us.
Even though prophecy may be personal it always affects the whole body of Christ. It often needs to be incorporated into the whole to be fulfilled. It may even extend into the generations to be completed.
These tests need to be done first.

These areas listed above need to be checked with a corporate word.
Have the prophecy available. If you are not trained in this process, I would recommend you do this with a group of people and learn together.

This testing involves prophecies of all types that are being freely distributed, especially those that are distributed through the Internet and have the potential to go unchecked and untested. My hope that this will bring into this area accountability and responsibility for those all actively involved.

Do you know the Background of the word? If possible find out..or ask about it. As well there are other questions to ask:

1.When was the word given?
2.What was the situation at the time it was given?
3. Who spoke it and to whom?

1. When God speaks He has a purpose.
What is His purpose in this prophecy?
What prayer initiative is released with the prophecy?
2. Who is this prophecy for?
Who is expected to respond to the word?
3. Test the spirits?
Does it witness to you?
What is your initial response?
Do you feel you can exercise your authority as a believer to test it?
4. What is the response of intercessors who pray for the area?
5. What is the response of leaders such as spiritual and community leaders?

6. Has the group who received the word tested it? Does it line up with their prophetic history and the way God has led them?
7. Level of the word.
i. edification, exhortation & comfort
ii. the ministry of a select group
iii. prophet’s voice perhaps bringing correction and reconciliation in love
iv. to the national corporate body of Christ bringing a destiny or strategic word
8. What is the potential outcome of the word? Is it a continuation of how God has led in the past? If it is a new word does it fit in with historical flow of those involved?
9. What conditions apply?
If repentance is required, is it clearly understood?
Does it follow the model of Revelation & the 7 churches in correction and God’s response to it? How is God’s heart represented in the prophecy? What will be the results of repentance?
10. Is the prophecy consistent with God’s character?
11. What is the season of the word?
Now/future (See 1st section)
Specific situation
General encouragement
Is it tied to the past?
12. Is the language a fit?
It needs to be clearly understood and articulated. The Holy Spirit will bring His communication in a way that fits the person hearing it, not the one delivering the word.


What is his/her territorial influence & mandate?
What aligns him/her to this area that the word is directed to?
Who is he/she accountable to in the area the word is given?
Was it pre-discerned?
Who discerned the word when it was given?
Who is he/she accountable to where he/she fellowships?

People who distribute the prophetic word
What is your reason for distributing this?
Have you asked permission to the ones you are sending it to?
Have you followed up by checking their response?

Internet distribution site
Is there a place to question this word or dialog about it with the people involved?

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