Sunday, June 7, 2009

Why do We Pray?

Why do we pray??We pray because we know who God is!

"We are beginning to see that if God's people are going to come together to implement His will in this decade prayer will likely be the primary force." II Cor. 10 ' our weapons are not the weapons of the world. They have divine power to demolish strongholds. Our weapons are: prayer, faith,hope, love, God's word, forgiveness and repentance.

Do you believe that prayer can change things?
Moses prayed - even after he was offered a better group to lead - and God heard his cry for mercy and didn't kill the people in the desert. ( Ex.32:14)

God desires to do many things, but He will not do them unless or until, Christians use their God-given freedom to pray and ask Him to do it! James 4:2

No one can change God, but our prayers can have a direct influence on what God does or does not do. Jer.33:3 ' Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Now....suppose we do not call? What then? The answer is obvious! We will not know or be shown those things that are hidden from us right now, but that He's longing to reveal to us! If we don't ask...we don't get!

II Chron.7:14 "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray"
My mentor once quotes this scripture to me and asked me this question: " If it is a people who are humble, that pray - then what does it say about a people who don't pray?" The answer she was looking for was obvious. She was teaching me that prayer ( or praying) would keep me humble dependent on God. She was also teaching me that not praying, made me thinking that I could do it on my own....and that smacks of pride! I've never forgotten that lesson!

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